Do you need to share the same files or folder with a variety of different clients? 

Well, in today's post , I'm gonna show you how to do exactly that right here in Google Drive. 

Hello everyone, 
Tech Niket here at Tech Niket blog helping you to get more done and enjoy less stress. And I'm gonna show youexactly how I use Google Drive for my own business,

 how I can just share one single link with a variety of clients andmake sure that they're always getting the most recentor most up-to-date files. But first, I'd like tothank today's sponsor, Icecream PDF Editor. 

If you're looking for an easy way to edit your PDF documents, you shouldtry Icecream PDF Editor. 

It's 100% free and it will allow you to edit your text, edit your objects and perhapsone of my favorite features is rearranging and managingmultiple PDF pages. 

So, if you'd like to tryIcecream PDF Editor for yourself, be sure to click the linkin the description below. 

So, let me show you exactlyhow I use Google Drive to share certain files andfolders with my clients. First, let me give you my use case. 

I'm a speaker, at least a big portion of my business is speaking at conferences,giving keynotes, 
delivering workshops and so after Iengage with an event planner or someone who's hired me, 
I wanna share particular documents with them.

 If we go back to Google Drive,I've got this folder called Folder for Client Resources and when I click on that,

 I've got a few things that I share with everyone who hires me. I've got things like myheadshot, a few pictures here that they might want toinclude in their marketing.

 I've got my bio, which will usually be included in a printout or a handoutor also on their website.

 And maybe a few differentthings that I include in the workshops themselves, some exercises that theymay need to have access to, so that they can printthem off in advance. Now, this collection of information, 

I need to share with a wide variety of people,but it's not exactly private. I really don't care ifyou have access to this or if someone else stumbles upon it. 

There's nothing secure here,there's nothing private here, but I don't like includingthis information on my website because I'd rather nothave someone just stumble upon that site and say, 

what is this and what is this purpose? 

I also don't wanna manage just an extra webpage on my website. 

So, instead, I've created this folder here within Google Drive. Now, if we go up here to the folder name, we can right click and select share. 

Now, you might be familiar withthis pop-up that comes here and probably you're used to entering in a name or an email address of the people that you want to share with. And of course, I could do this as well. 

I could just keep a longlist, just keep adding people who need access to these files, but that's gonna be very tedious. I'm gonna have to come inhere each and every time, find the email address andin many cases,

 I'm dealing with just one individualand they want to be able to share this with othermembers of their team, so then they need to ask for additional access and that type of thing. 

So, in this case, instead ofentering any email addresses, what I'm gonna do isI'm gonna click up here and say get the shareable link. 

And what that's gonna do isthat anyone with the link, this is the default option that comes up, anyone with the link can view.

 So, it's generated a unique link here. All I have to do is copy that link. I can copy that link, Ican hit done down below. 

Now, again, you wanna make surethat it says only can view. We're not giving people access to edit. The default choice isview, so let's make sure that we continue with that option there. But I've got my link now. I've copied it already, 

I'mgonna say done and then just to show you what the guest orwhat my client will receive, let me open up a new incognito window here and I'm gonna paste that linkin the window, in the URL.

 This is exactly what theywill see on their end when they click on the link,they're gonna have access to these files and they canopen them up, they can click on my bio, 

they can downloadit, they can print it out if they want, of course,they can't edit it, they can download my pictures. Here are all the resources that I need. And remember, I've just got the one link. 

This is just the one link available here. I just need to remember or copy this link and use it multiple timespretty much as how long I would like to, for the nextcoming years, if I want to. 

Now, the great thing is that whatever I do within this folder, it's going to automatically update and anyone who has access to this is gonna have the latest information. 

For example, maybe I nolonger want this file, for example, available. 

I'm just gonna hit delete on that. I'm gonna put that in the trash can and maybe in the future, I'm gonna update my headshot. 

So, I don't have to go outand email a variety of people and say, by the way,could you please now use my updated headshot or canyou put this in the program.

 If they have this link thatI've given to them in advance, they're always gonna have thatupdated information available to them. 

Now, you might be saying to yourself, Scott, I don't wanna sharethat big long nasty link. That looks intimidating,it looks very ugly and yes,

 it is very, very long. Well, no, I don't recommend that you share the link in its natural state either.

 I'm gonna copy that link one more time, so when I'm dealing with a client, I might shareit in the following way. Here I am, 

I'm sending an email. Please use the link below to access my speaker resources and I'm just gonna call this Google example Folder, something like that. 

All you need to do withinGmail or almost any other online editor is just highlight the text. 

I'm gonna come down here to the bottom and select insert link and it's here that I'm gonna paste inthat Google Drive link. 

This is the folder that I'm gonna send them to. I'm gonna hit okay and now I've got a nice clean looking link. 

It looks straight forward, it tells them exactly what it is and when they click on this link, they can get all of my resources. 

Do you have a need for such an open shared folder? 

Remember, I only recommendthis for documents or for files that you really don't mind the rest of the world gaining access to. 

Maybe there's a particular questionnaire that you send out to clients. 

Maybe there's some otherdocuments or data that you like to share and it's alright if other people have access to it, 

But they don't really needaccess to it, until they become a client or at some stepin the relationship. 

This is a great use forthis type of shared folder within Google Drive. Well, I'd love to hear from you next.

What other tips would you like to learn how to do right here within Google Drive. 

Be sure to tell me down below in the comments. 

Thank you so much for reading today's post. 

Don't forget to leave a comment down below. 
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In fact, it's very simple.